Page:Black Jacob, a monument of grace.djvu/24

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jacob hodges.

time, had passed down the river to New York, while all the others, including Mrs. T.,were arrested and imprisoned. Vigorous measures were adopted to secure Jacob. Two parties were sent in pursuit of him; one of which traced him to New York, where he was arrested and returned up the river to Haverstraw.

Jacob at first denied having any knowledge of the murder, but appeared greatly distressed. He continued firm in his denial, resisting the solicitation and advice of his attendants, till the latter part of the night following his arrest, when he made a full confession, and gave a minute relation of the whole transaction. This he repeated in all his subsequent conversations and critical examinations in court. He also gave to me the same account substantially, as late as the summer of 1841.

From Haverstraw he was taken to Goshen, and after being examined before five magistrates, was fully committed to