Page:Black Jacob, a monument of grace.djvu/28

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jacob hodges.

nominal punishment, viz. imprisonment in the county jail for the term of one month In justification of this mitigated punishment, the court remarked, that the mandates of a stern and inflexible husband might have influenced her conduct in relation to the murder; but that however this might have been, the destitute situation of her children, already deprived of a father, so that she was now to be their only protector—the only parent to whom they must in future look for support; this and a variety of other considerations, pressed themselves upon the minds of the court, who had thought proper to extend to her all the mercy the law would allow.

The simplicity and honesty of Jacob's whole deportment while upon trial and as chief witness for the State, made a most favourable impression upon the court, and excited strong sympathy in his behalf. They saw that he had been led into crime by the deep-laid plan of wicked men, who had been goaded to desperation by repealed disappointments, and whom no