Page:Blackwood's Magazine volume 062.djvu/777

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Sim's Wigwam, &c., review of, 575. Sinnett's Byways of History, review of, 347. Sir Robert Peel and the Currency, 113. Smuggling in Spain, 717. Solon, era of, in Greece, 143. Song for the Dalhousie Dinner, 493. Solo, Hernando de, 12. Sourabaya, city of, 525. South America, Adventures on coast of, 323. South America, Spanish conquest in, 1. Spain, conquests of, in South America, 1 . Spain, sketches of, 707. Spain, History of the Jew in, 730. Speedy, capture of the Gamo by the, 84. Stair, Master of, and the Massacre of Glencoe, 700-1. Steeple chase at Rome, the, 487. Stone of Shelter, the, 158, 160. Story of my Life, Andersen's, review of, 393. Student of Bologna, the ; Chap. I. 359 Chap. II. 361 Chap. III. 365 Con- clusion, 369. Suffolk, Lady, 439, 440. Sumatra, island of, 528. Tacamez, defeat of Pizarro at, 7. Tale of the Masorcha Club at Buenos Ayres, a ; Chap. I. 47 Chap. II. 48 Chap. III. 50 Chap. IV. 55 Chap. V. 62. Tariff, the new, in connexion with the commercial depression, 759. Tales from Denmark, Andersen's, re- viewed, 406. Taxidermy in Rome, 292. Tettenborn, General, rise of, 312. Theophilus, work on Varnishes, &c. by, 303. Thirlwall's Greece, character of, 129 on the siege of Troy, Homer, &c. 137, 138. Thompson's Memoirs of Viscountess Sun- don, review of, 431. Three Months at Gaza, 334. Tiberius, 411. Times of George II., the, 431. Torres Straits, surveying voyage through, 518. Tournachou, M., tale from, 317. Trance, objects to be gained by artificial induction of, 166. Travels, modern, general character of, 707. Troy, authenticity of the siege of, 136, 137. Turkey, Napoleon's views on, 189. Unpublished French novel, an, 671. Units : Tens : Hundreds : Thousands : Chap. I. 593 Chap. II. ib. Chap. III. 595 Chap. IV. 596 Chap. V. 599 Chap. VI. 601. Vaerst, Baron, Die Pyrenaen, review of, 707. Valbezene, M., 102. Valedictory Visits at Rome, 622 the Villa Borghese, ib. the Villa Albani, 626. Van Eyck, Eastlake on the invention of, 302. Views and Reviews of American Litera- ture, review of, 575. Villa Borghese, the, 622 ; Albani, 626. Vision of Cagliostro, the, 408 ; Tiberius, 411 ; Agrippa, 413 ; Milton, 415 ; Mi- rabeau, 417 ; Beethoven, 419. Voltaire, residence of, in England, 444. W. E. A., Magus Muir, by, 614 ; Widow of Glencoe, 700. Waleska, Madame, anecdote of, 191. Widow of Glencoe, the, 700. William the Conqueror, landing of, 90. William III. and the Massacre of Glen- coe, 700. Wolfian theory of the Iliad, the, 140. Works of Hans Christian Andersen, the, 387. Wreck, law of, 93. END OF VOL LXII. Printed by William Blaekwood $ Sons, Edinburgh.