Page:Blaise Pascal works.djvu/208

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done? What mysteries has he taught, even according to his own tradition? What was the morality, what the happiness held out by him?

The Jewish religion must be differently regarded in the tradition of the Holy Bible, and in the tradition of the people. Its morality and happiness are absurd in the tradition of the people, but are admirable in that of the Holy Bible. (And all religion is the same; for the Christian religion is very different in the Holy Bible and in the casuists.) The foundation is admirable; it is the most ancient book in the world, and the most authentic; and whereas Mahomet, in order to make his own book continue in existence, forbade men to read it, Moses, for the same reason, ordered every one to read his.

Our religion is so divine that another divine religion has only been the foundation of it.


Order.—To see what is clear and indisputable in the whole state of the Jews.


The Jewish religion is wholly divine in its authority, its duration, its perpetuity, its morality, its doctrine, and its effects.


The only science contrary to common sense and human nature is that alone which has always existed among men.


The only religion contrary to nature, to common sense, and to our pleasure, is that alone which has always existed.


No religion but our own has taught that man is born in sin. No sect of philosophers has said this. Therefore none have declared the truth.

No sect or religion has always existed on earth, but the Christian religion.