Page:Blaise Pascal works.djvu/282

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time, I tell you My apostles will do. The Jews shall be cast out. Jerusalem shall be soon destroyed. And the heathen shall enter into the knowledge of God. My apostles shall do this after you have slain the heir of the vineyard."

Then the apostles said to the Jews: "You shall be accursed," (Celsus laughed at it); and to the heathen, "You shall enter into the knowledge of God." And this then came to pass.


Jesus Christ came to blind those who saw clearly, and to give sight to the blind; to heal the sick, and leave the healthy to die; to call to repentance, and to justify sinners, and to leave the righteous in their sins; to fill the needy, and leave the rich empty.


Holiness.—Effundum spiritum meum.[1] All nations were in unbelief and lust. The whole world now became fervent with love. Princes abandoned their pomp; maidens suffered martyrdom. Whence came this influence? The Messiah was come. These were the effect and signs of His coming.


Destruction of the Jews and heathen by Jesus Christ: Omnes gentes venient et adorabunt eum.[2] Parum est ut, &c.[3] Postula a me.[4] Adorabunt eum omnes reges.[5] Testes iniqui.[6] Dabit maxillam percutienti.[7] Dederunt fel in escam.[8]


Jesus Christ for all, Moses for a nation.

The Jews blessed in Abraham: "I will bless those that bless thee." But: "All nations blessed in his seed." Parum est ut, &c.

Lumen ad revelationem gentium.[9]

Non fecit taliter omni nationi,[10] said David, in speaking of the Law. But, in speaking of Jesus Christ, we must say:

  1. Joel, ii. 28.
  2. Psalms, xxii. 27.
  3. Isaiah, xlix. 6.
  4. Psalms ii. 8.
  5. Psalms, lxxii. 11.
  6. Psalms, xxxv. 11.
  7. Lament. iii. 30.
  8. Psalms lxix. 21.
  9. Luke ii. 31.
  10. Psalms cxlvii. 20.