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His innocence. I will defend others, especially in their absence.

If I should notice anyone committing a fault, I will be careful not to correct him in the presence of others. I will speak to him on the matter between ourselves, and in a low tone of voice.

4.Never will I mix myself up with anyone else's business; I will never say that anyone has done anything badly.

5.In all my interior conflicts I will be careful not to listen to self-love. If anyone blames or accuses me, I will strive to make all bitter feelings pass gently away; then tranquillity will reign at the bottom of my soul.

6.MY supreme resolution is to give myself unreservedly to God.

For this reason I will have continually before my eyes this motto: Be thou deaf, blind, and mute. Only one thing do I desire — Thy good pleasure, O my God, and not mine own. In me, O Lord, may Thy will, not mine be done.

7.May my prayers, my communions, and all my good works be always applied for the salvation of poor sinners in union with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

8.In visiting the Blessed Sacrament I will make the following Acts:

"O Lord Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament, and I adore Thee with all my heart."

"I have the intention of adoring Thee by this visit wherever Thou art present in the sacred Host, and I offer Thee Thy precious blood for poor sinners; also, I desire to receive Thee spiritually as many times as there are sanctuaries on earth in which Thou dost dwell."

9.I will have all possible veneration for priests, beholding in them Jesus Christ Himself, and striving to be penetrated with the greatness of their dignity.

10.I have obliged myself always to do that which is most perfect. By this I mean that which seems to me to be the most perfect course to take in the sight of God.

— Life of St. Gerard Majella, by Rev. O. R.Vassall-Phillips, C.SS.R.