Page:Blood examination.djvu/11

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In bringing this small work before the public, I lay no claim to originality, but trust that it may be of use to medical men in the Tropics, and others brought into contact with patients suffering from disease acquired abroad.

I have endeavoured to point out that the examination of the blood may be of the utmost importance in the correct diagnosis of Tropical Disease, and with this object in view I have quoted a number of cases, which, I think, will bear careful perusal, for in almost each case was the diagnosis arrived at through blood examination. I hope also that the reference made to malaria and its differential diagnosis may prove of real value, for its forms of onset are so varied, whilst its blood "picture" is so characteristic.

Claud F. Fothergill.

Beech Holm,
Tunbridge Wells.

1st July 1907.
