Page:Blood examination.djvu/43

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have been found in its blood. (This patient previous to blood examination had been treated for malaria and the value of the examination is apparent.)

Case 26. C., 30. Admitted, 12th September 1905. Seven weeks' history of quotidian fever up to 103°, no chills nor sweats. Treated on board for malaria. On admission blood showed no parasites. Widal was negative. No T. B. in sputum. Leucocyte count 15,000. Liver explored after discovery of leucocytosis and pus found.

Case 27. S. G., 35. Admitted, 3rd May 1905, sent up by P and O. surgeon with diagnosis of malaria in a state of collapse. No history obtainable. Blood showed no malaria parasites but 10,000 leucocytes. Within 24 hours of admission four very liquid stools passed and dysentery was diagnosed. Conditions dragged on until 24th May, when a blood count showed 24,000 leucocytes per c. mm., and a liver abscess was suspected, explored for, and found.

Case 28. A. P. B., 37, from West Africa. History was that patient went to Likondi, 1906, and whilst there was seized at night with