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A TEXT-BOOK OF PRACTICAL THERAPEUTICS: With Especial Reference to the Application of Remedial Measures to Disease and their Employment upon a Rational Basis. By Hobart Amory Hare, M.D., Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. With special chapters by Drs G. E. de Schweinitz, Edward Martin, and Barton C. Hirst. New (Twelfth) Edition, thoroughly Revised and greatly Rewritten. In one royal octavo volume of 939 pages, with 114 Engravings and 4 Coloured Plates. Cloth. Price 21s net.

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A MANUAL OF PRACTICAL HYGIENE. For Students, Physicians, and Medical Officers. By Charles Harrington, M.D., Assistant Professor of Hygiene in the Medical School of Harvard University. New (Third) Edition, Revised and Enlarged. In one very handsome royal octavo volume of 793 pages. Illustrated with 118 Engravings and 12 Plates in colours and monochrome. Cloth. Price 21s. net.

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London: HENRY KIMPTON, 13 Furnival Street, Holborn, E.C.