Page:Blue Magic.djvu/50

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vanished over the side, his blue robe fluttering behind him, all before Sally could close her mouth, which she had opened in astonishment.

"So that's your Djinn, is it?" she said at last. "Well, I must say he's quite Djinnish-looking enough for anybody."

"You—you drove him away," faltered Fen, his hand pressed over the place where the amulet lay.

"Lan's sakes a-massy, chile!" cried Mammy, as she put Fen to bed that night; "wha' dis hyar heathen foolishness you-all got eroun' yo' naick?" and she put out her hand to it.

Fen shrank away from her with terror in his eyes.

"Don't touch it! Please!" he cried.

"Lemme dess take it offen you, so's I kin wash you nice," she begged. But Fen's distress was so real, and he clung