Page:Bob Chester's Grit.djvu/205

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Believing the men who tried to stop Bob must have been robbed, several of those about the store leaped onto their horses and gave chase.

Meantime, the conspirators, balked in their attempt to prevent the boy's escape, held a consultation.

"If that is one of Ford's men, our goose is cooked," snarled one of them.

"Well, it is, right enough. Don't you remember hearing about the kid Ford gave his dog to?"

Too well did they remember, for the story of Bob's call at the ranch had traveled far and wide.

"What's to be done, then?" asked the first speaker.

"Get him!" growled the others.

So well did these men understand one another that no explanation of this remark was necessary, and without more ado they hastened to the stable back of the saloon, ordered their horses, and were soon riding after Bob at top speed.