Page:Bohemia An Historical Sketch.djvu/382

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Restitution, Edict of, 298–9
Rezek, Prof., 201, 203, 296, 310
Ričan, Paul of, 245
Richard II, 85–6
Richenthal, 104
Richsa, Queen, 28
Rieger, Dr., 338, 342, 349
Rivoli, Treaty of, 252
Robert of Naples, 62
Rohác of Duba, 169, 173

Rokycan, John of, 142, 147, 161–7, 172, 175, 177–9, 180–4, 195
Rossitz, meeting at, 222

Rostislav, 13–15
Rundolph of Habsburg, 46–56
—— II, 215–37
Ruppa, Venceslas of, 245–6, 257, 259, 260, 300
Ruprecht, Elector Palatine, 90, 99

Sabinus, 282
Sadova, Battle of, 140
Sadska, Diet at, 33
St. Clement, College of, 290
Samo, 9
San Felice, Battle of, 62
Sarpi, Fra Paoli, 278
Savoy, Duke of, 249, 251–2, 256
Saxony, Elector of, 253, 281, 294
Schebeck, Dr., 303
Schmalkalden, League of, 207
Schmerling, Baron, 345–9
Schulze, 258, 261
Schwarzenberg, Prince, 343
Segovia, John of, 158

Sigismund, 83, 88, 90–1, 96, 99, 100–1, 104, 112, 117–29, 162, 171–5, 235
Sigoves, 2

Silesia, 316–18, 321
Skvorec, Wilfram of, 90
Slavata, 245–6
Slavs, the, 7–17
Smoyno, John of, 76
Soběslav, 32–3
Solms, Count, 251
Söltl, Dr., 240, 251
Sophia, Queen, 100, 109, 118–20
Skytihněv, 17–19, 29
Starhemberg, Baron of, 254
Sterbohol, Battle of, 322
Sternberg, Adam of, 228, 239–40, 245

Stitny, Thomas of, 79
Strakonitz, Letter of Lords of, 180
Stransky, Paul, 226
Sudomer, Battle of, 122
Svátek, 162, 325
Svatopluk, 15–17
—— the younger, 17
—— of Olmütz, 31
Sweden, 263, 299–302
Sylvester, Pope, 183

Sylvius, Aenaes, 48, 142, 157, 160, 162, 169 (see Pius II)

Taborites, meeting of, 119–20
Tacitus quoted, 4
Tartar invasion, 42–3
Teta, 10
Theobaldus quoted, 143
Thietmar, 22
Thirty Years' War, 246, 258; its results, 311–12

Thurn, Count, 227, 232, 240–1, 246, 253–4, 260–1, 268, 280, 300–4
—— the younger, 275

Tiberius, 4
Tilly, 271–4, 287
Tilser, Prof., 347

Tomek, 31, 33, 63, 77, 85, 95–6, 104, 115, 117, 123, 142–3, 174, 335–6, 342
Torstensohn, General, 309

Tovačovsky, John, 197
Trčka, Count, 303
Trojan, Dr., 332, 342
Tschernembl, 254, 270, 276
Turkey, Peace with, 238
Tuscany, Grand Duke of, 263

Vandamme, 326
Vannius, 4
Venceslas, Treaty of, 200
Venceslas I, 19–20, 36
Venceslas II, 39–41, 50–4
—— III, 54–9
—— IV, 83–91, 97–104, 109, 112, 117–8
Verdun, Treaty of, 12
Vibilius, 4
Vienna, Bombardment of, 343
Villari quoted, 108
Vladislas I, 43