Page:Bohemian poems, ancient and modern (Lyra czecho-slovanska).djvu/72

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‘His most noble race continue
for renown and splendid praise.

‘Hear the words, O Khan of Kasan,
which my God and Lord and Guide

‘Through my mouth to thee hath spoken,
through my mouth hath prophesied:

‘Seven sons, all valiant heroes,
bloom, O Kasan’s Khan, to thee;

‘All the seven wan and faded
sev’n short months will surely see;

‘All will fade in short months seven,
sett’st thou not my brother free.”

‘Speaking thus, down sinks he dying;
golden beams that daze the eye

‘Round the little body hover,
where it motionless doth lie,

‘As credentials of the mission,
that was sent him from on high.

‘Seven days of fear and anguish,
seven long days did the Khan

‘Keep me in suspense; then to his
presence call’d, and thus began:

‘“See the dead corpse of thy brother,
whence corruption and decay

‘My Arabian physician
by his art hath chas’d away!

‘Thus ‘tis meet for noble heroes;
for in all my days, I ween,

‘Than this little child a greater
never, never have I seen.