Page:Boileau's Lutrin - a mock-heroic poem. In six canto's. Render'd into English verse. To which is prefix'd some account of Boileau's writings, and this translation. (IA boileauslutrinmo00boil).pdf/62

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Boileau's Lutrin.

Forth the brave Brontin march'd, whose watchful Eyes
Sleep thrice in vain attempted to surprize:
Whom the third Bottle Fortify'd within,
Provided by the cautious Gilotin,
Who knew that Wine made heavy Burdens light,
And push'd the unarm'd Hero to the Fight.

The Sexton follow'd, Boirude was his Name;
The Third in this immortal Deed of Fame:
Both sally out, kindled with Honour's Charms,
To fire the Slow Lamour with Love of Arms.
Let us depart, they cry'd, the Day declines,
And to succeeding Night his Sway resigns.
Why thus dejected? Whence this black Chagrin
Which hovers o'er your Eyes and swells your Spleen?
