Page:Boileau's Lutrin - a mock-heroic poem. In six canto's. Render'd into English verse. To which is prefix'd some account of Boileau's writings, and this translation. (IA boileauslutrinmo00boil).pdf/82

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Boileau's Lutrin.

If yet you cannot Reach your Fathers State,
At least their shining Vertues Emulate.
Think what Dishonour your bright Names will foul,
When Men shall tell the Fable of the Owl.
Think how the Chanter with indignant Pride
Will mock your Valour, and Attempt deride:
Howlet will be the Word, a standing Jest,
The Flout of Boys, and Mirth of every Feast.

Yes, I perceive your Souls no longer bear
These stinging Thoughts; for Action then prepare:
Remember, Sirs, what Prelate 'tis you serve,
And snatch the verdant Laurels you deserve;
Your Eyes re-sparkle with their wonted Fires,
And each Heroick Breast the War requires.
