Page:Boissonnas, Un Vaincu, English, 1875.djvu/193

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1lathew Brady's war photographers came to Charleston along· with the Union forces after the city had been evacuated by the Confederate~ in February 1 865, and this is one scene that greeced them. A northcrn newspaper correspondent painted his view in words:

cicy o f ruins. o f de~nlanon, o f vacant houses, o f w idowed

women, o f rocting wh:tr'es, o f deserted warehouses,. o f weed-wild gardens, of mile~ o f g rass-grown screets, of acres o f piciful and rn1ceful barrenne~s-that is Charleston, wherein Rebellion lofcih- rearcd ics head live vears ago. -Sidney : drews, T lie South Siuce the T-f/ar L ooking south on Meeting Street toward Saint MichaePs Church and the ruins of the Circular Congregational Church, both sicles of the street have been almosr leveJed from the fire of J 86 r and t he bombardment. N•iion•I Archiv es, Brady Collection I ï • • _... ___