Page:Bonny bridge of Findhorn.pdf/3

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In the year ninety-eight was my fabric begun,
And by brave Mr. Burns I was carried on;
Completely ſufficient my builders made me;
As ages to come, I hope, will it ſee.

This brave Undertaker his praiſes I’ll tell,
He hath gain’d himſelf honour, and finiſh’d me well;
And all his brave hands I ſhall praiſe them I’m ſure,
Who exerted themſelves for to make me ſecure.

In a fine ſituation I certainly lie,
Which looks moſt delightful, as you do paſs by;
I likewiſe am ſtrong, and moſt beautiful too,
With three noble arches, which ſtand in your view.

Rage on now, you river, I value you not,
A good ſtrong foundation I hope I have got:
O I was ſet here for the good of the land,
And my two noble pillars thy ſtrength ſhall withſtand.

Likewiſe my three arches, exalted moſt high,
Shall ſand againſt thee, and thy force ſhall defy;
Tho thy ſtreams they be rapid, I ſhall ſtand on thee,
And conduct them ſafe over that croſſes on me.

Thou blood-thirſty river did never relent,
But numbers to death thou haſt inſtantly ſent;
No mercy thou ſhowed them, for all they could ſay,
In the height of thy rage thou would ſweep them away.

Thy mercileſs currents, their rage they were ſuch,
That they paid no reſpect to the poor or the rich,
If levell’d by thee, thou was deaf to their cry,
Their corpſe in thy bottom then cauſed to lie.