Page:Bonny lassie's plaidy awa.pdf/2

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Fleuron from 'The Bonny Lassie's Plaidy Awa', an undated chapbook printed in Stirling
Fleuron from 'The Bonny Lassie's Plaidy Awa', an undated chapbook printed in Stirling


Frae flesher Rab that liv'd in Crieff,
A bonny bonny lassie, came to buy some beef,
He took her in his arms, and down she did fa',
And the wind blew the bonny lassie's plaidy awa.

Her plaidy awa, her plaidy awa,
The wind blew the bonny lassie's plaidy awa,
He took her in his arms, and down she did fa',
And the wind blew the bonny lassie's plaidy awa.

The plaidy was lost and couldna be fun',
Tho deil's in the plaid, its awa wi' the win',
But what shall I say to the auld fo'ks ava,
I darena say the wind blew the plaidy awa.

It was no long after the plaidy was lost,
Till the bonny lassie grew thick in the waist,
And Rabby was blam'd for the hale o' it a',
And the wind blawing the bonny lassie's plaidy awa.

Then Rabby was summon'd to answer the session,
They a' cry'd out ye maun mak' a confession,
But Rabby ne'er answer'd them ae word ava,
But the wind blew the bonny lassie's plaidy awa.

The auld wife cam' in, poor Rabby to accuse,
The Ministers and Elders began to abuse,