Page:Book Of Halloween(1919).djvu/139

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shut tight lest they see one of the guests, death-singers make their rounds, chanting under the windows :

"You are comfortably lying in your bed,
But with the poor dead it is otherwise;
You are stretched softly in your bed
While the poor souls are wandering abroad.

"A white sheet and five planks,
A bundle of straw beneath the head,
Five feet of earth above

Are all the worldly goods we own."

Le Braz: Night of the Dead.

The tears of their deserted friends disturb the comfort of the dead, and sometimes they appear to tell those in sorrow that their shrouds are always wet from the tears shed on their graves.

Wakened by the dirge of the death-singers the people rise and pray for the souls of the departed.

Divination has little part in the annals of the evening, but one in Finistère is recorded. Twenty-five new needles are laid in a dish,