Page:Book of Etiquette, Volume 1, by Lilian Eichler.djvu/236

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The pleasure of your company is
requested at the
Annual Masquerade Ball
To be given at the Taft Hotel
Thursday Evening
January the fifth, at ten o'clock

Cards of admission, Three Dollars
On sale at the
Taft Hotel and homes of the Patronesses


When one is invited to an entertainment and finds it impossible to attend without a visiting guest or relative, an invitation may be requested. But a great deal of tact and good judgment must be exerted. A note of request follows, but in writing notes for your own particular instances, you must remember that each note has to be adapted to the occasion in hand.

27 Claremont Terrace,
May 8th, 192—.

My dear Mrs. Jolson:

Elsie Millerton, whose brother you remember was at Hot Springs last year when we were, is spending a few days with me. I wonder if I may bring her to your dance next Thursday?

Sincerely yours,

Mary B. Hall.

It is rarely necessary to refuse such a request as this; but if the ballroom is already too crowded and if the hostess has received a number of similar petitions she may