Page:Book of Etiquette, Volume 1, by Lilian Eichler.djvu/241

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Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bruhn
request the pleasure of
Mr. and Mrs. John Perry Blascon's
company at dinner
at Shanley's
on Wednesday, March the sixth
at eight o'clock

41 Tompkins Place

The acceptance and regret would be exactly the same as the forms given previously, except that the words "At Shanley's" would necessarily have to appear.


It is necessary for the daughter, who is hostess in her father's house, to include his name in every dinner invitation she issues. Following is a model informal invitation to dinner, issued by a young daughter-hostess:

My dear Mrs. Curtis:

Father has asked me to extend an invitation to you and Mr. Curtis to dine with us on Tuesday, April the fifth, at half-past seven o'clock. We are looking forward to your coming with a great deal of pleasure.

Cordially yours,

Rose Meredith.

In acknowledging this invitation, whether it be acceptance or regret, the answer must go to the daughter, not the father. It is discourteous and rude to receive a letter or an invitation from one person, and acknowledge it to another.