Page:Book of Etiquette, Volume 1, by Lilian Eichler.djvu/244

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1465 Emmet Road,
March 16, 19—

My dear Mrs. Raines:

I'm rather glad that Ralph was called out of town, since it gives me an opportunity to be present at another of your delightful dinners. Thank you very much for the invitation.

Yours very sincerely,

Ralph B. Cook.


There is no reason to feel embarrassed and unhappy because some unexpected happening prevents you from keeping a dinner engagement. A cordial note, containing a genuine and worth-while excuse for the cancellation of the engagement may be sent by messenger, or if there is time, by special delivery post, to the hostess. Here is an example of the kind of note that may be written to break a dinner engagement:

156 South Bend,
March 18, 19—

My dear Mrs. Christy:

Mr. Cross has been called to Chicago on account of the illness of his mother. We are very anxious about her, and I am sure you will understand why it is impossible for either of us to attend your dinner party next Friday. With many regrets, I am

Sincerely yours,

Florence Bartlett Pitkin.