Page:Book of Etiquette, Volume 1, by Lilian Eichler.djvu/247

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Miss Jean Joyce
accepts with pleasure
Mrs. Blake's
kind invitation for luncheon
on Tuesday, April the eleventh
at one o'clock
to meet Miss Rhodes and to go
afterward to the matinée

48 Fremont Avenue


For the informal luncheon, a brief note of invitation is sent from five to seven days ahead. In making the note brief, one must be careful not to sacrifice cordiality. We give here two notes of invitation, one for luncheon and one for breakfast; and also their respective acknowledgments:

86 Washington Terrace,
April 14, 19—

My dear Mrs. Blank:

Will you come to luncheon on Wednesday, April the twentieth, at half-past one o'clock? Mrs. Frank Richards will be here, and I know you will be glad to meet her.

Cordially yours,

Helen R. Roberts.

64 Main Street,
April 16, 19—

My dear Mrs. Roberts:

I will be very glad to come to luncheon on Wednesday, April the twentieth, at half-past