Page:Book of Etiquette, Volume 1, by Lilian Eichler.djvu/254

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that the affair is to be a large and elaborate one. The reply to an engraved invitation follows:

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce
accept with pleasure
Mrs. Bronson's kind invitation
for May tenth

Haywood Park,
May second, 19—


Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce
regret that a previous engagement
prevents their acceptance
of Mrs. Bronson's kind invitation
for May tenth

Haywood Park,
May second, 19—

In reply to a visiting card inscribed with the day and date of the garden party, a brief, polite note of acceptance or regret should be written. A similar note should be promptly written upon receipt of the informal written note of invitation.

May 2, 19—

My dear Mrs. Bronson:

Mr. Harris and I are looking forward with great pleasure in joining you on May tenth. We hope the weather will continue to be as delightful as it is now.

Cordially yours,

Janet B. Winslow.