Page:Book of Etiquette, Volume 1, by Lilian Eichler.djvu/263

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The letter requesting a relative or friend to serve as godfather or godmother must be tactful and well-worded. It is usually very intimate, for no one with fine sensibility will ask any except a dear friend to act as godmother or godfather. Such a request is much better given in person than by letter, whenever it is possible. And it requires an answer in kind. We give here one brief letter of request, and another of acknowledgment, to serve as suggestions:

84, Kinston Road,
March 5, 19—

Dear Mr. Burke:

Jack and I have both agreed that we would rather have you serve as godfather for John Paxton, Jr., than anyone else. We hope that you will not refuse.

The baptism has already been arranged for four o'clock, next Sunday, at St. Peter's Church. We hope you will be present at the church, and later at a small reception here in our drawing-room.

With kindest regards from us both, I am

Cordially yours,

Amelia B. Johnson.

18 Woodlawn Hills,
March 7, 19—

Dear Mrs. Johnson:

It will give me great pleasure to be godfather for your son. Truly, I count it no small honor, and no slight responsibility. I am very eager to see young John Paxton, and shall be