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The Beme feder, Full Sommyd, Full Fermyd, and Reclaymede.

An hawke hath vij. federis vppon his tayle, and oon principall feder of theſſame is in the myddis, and in maner all that odeꝛ bene coueꝛtid vndeꝛ theſſame fedeꝛ, and that is called the Beme fedeꝛ of the tayle. And theꝛ gooth blacke baꝛris oueꝛwaꝛde the tayle, and thos ſame baꝛris ſhall telle yow whan ſhe is full ſummed, oꝛ full feꝛmyd. For whan ſhe is full baꝛrid ſhe ſtondith vppon vij. and then ſhe is peꝛfite rede to be Reclaymede.
Ye ſhall vnderſtonde that as longe as an hawke ſtondeth vnder the nombre of vij. baꝛris. And ſhe be in hir ſore aage: it moſt be ſayde that ſhe is not full ſummed, foꝛ ſo longe ſhe is bot tendeꝛ Pennyd whetheꝛ ſhe be brawncher oꝛ Eyes.
And iff ſhe be a mewed hawke, and ſtonde within vij. baꝛris, ye ſhall ſay ſhe is not full feꝛmed, for ſhe is not habull to be Reclaymed, be cauſe ſhe is drawe to ſoone owt of the mewe foꝛ ſhe is not haꝛde pennyde, no more than a ſoore hawke.

Brayles oꝛ Bꝛaylfederys, Degouted

To knaw foꝛtheꝛmoꝛ of hawkes, an hawke hath long ſmale white federis, hangyng vndeeꝛ the tayll: from hiꝛ bowell downe waꝛde, and the ſame federis ye ſhall call the brayles oꝛ the brayle federis. And communely eueꝛy goſhawke and eueꝛy teꝛcellis braylis bene byſprenged with blake ſpeckes, like Aꝛmyns, and foꝛ all that thay bene accomptid neueꝛ the betteꝛ. Bot and a ſpare hawke be ſo Eꝛmyned vppon the brayles, oꝛ a Muſket, odeꝛ ye ſhall ſay ſhe is Degouted to the vtteꝛmoſt brayle, and much it betokynis haꝛdenes.