Page:Book of St Albans.djvu/28

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many howndys will benymme theym theyre gamme from theꝛ fote. and that is paꝛlous. and whiles yowre hawke plumith cumme ſoftely towaꝛde hiꝛ. alway nere and if ſhe leue plumyng. and loke vppon yow·ſtonde ſtyll and cheꝛke hiꝛ. and whiſtyll hiꝛ. tyll ſhe plume ayen. and thus ſeꝛue hiꝛ tyll ye be right nere hiꝛ. Than ſofte and layſeꝛly: fall oppon yowre kneys. and preuely whale ſhe plumyth. ſett yowre honde and be ſure of the geſſe. and than ye may gyde all thyng as ye wyll. and if ye doo the contraꝛy: ſhe wyll foꝛ feere caꝛy hiꝛ game. oꝛ let it go quyke. and that is bot loſſe to yow and yowre hawke alſo.

A medecyne foꝛ to make an hawke to caſt that is a comberyd with caſtyng with in her body

Take the Iuce of Salandyne·and wetꝛ a moꝛcell of fleſh theꝛin. the mowntenaunce of a Note. and yeue that moꝛcell to the hawke. and that ſhall make hiꝛ foꝛ to caſt hiꝛ olde caſttyng. and the hawke ſhall be ſafe.

A medecyne foꝛ an hawke that will ſoure

Waſſh the fleſh that yowre hawke ſhall be fedde with: in ye Iuce of fenell. and that ſhall take away that pride from hiꝛ and make hiꝛ to leue heꝛ ſowꝛyng whetheꝛ ſhe be lene oꝛ fatte.