Page:Book of St Albans.djvu/44

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dede fleſh be waſtyde. afteꝛ take encence: and clene as myche of that oon as of that odeꝛ. medill it in fere. and whan ye will anoynt the ſoore heete yowre oyntement and anoynt it with a pen: tyll the tyme the ſkynne grow ayenne. and if ye ſe dede fleſh theꝛon: and woll haue it away Take venecreke ⁊ then anoynt itt with this Oyntement affoꝛſayde and ſhe ſhall be hoott

A medecine foꝛ an hauke that has the artetik

When ye ſe yowre hawke fat abowte the heꝛt truſt it foꝛ trouth ſhe hath the aꝛtetike. Theꝛfore do let hiꝛ blode in the Origynal vayne. and afteꝛ that yeue hiꝛ a frogge foꝛ to eete. ⁊ ſhe ſhall be hoott.

A medecine foꝛ an hauke combred ī the bowillis

When yowre hawke is Encombred in the bowillis ye ſhall knaw it by hiꝛ Eyghes. foꝛ hiꝛ Eighen will be deꝛke and ſhe will looke vngladli and hiꝛ meteſſing will defowle hiꝛ foundement. Then take the hawkes meete and anoynt it with powdre of cannell and yeue it hiꝛ to eete. and ſhe ſhall be hoott.

A medecyne foꝛ an hawke that has the goute

Fede yowre hawke with an Iꝛchyn onys oꝛ twyes. ⁊ it ſhall helpe hiꝛ·