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rather hasty and passionate, rash in his undertakings and very amorous.

The Queen of Hearts denotes a woman of fair eomplexion, faithful and affectionate.

The Knave of Hearts is a person of no particular sex, but always the dearest friend or nearest relation of the consulting party; you must pay great attention to the cards that stand next to the knave, as from them alone can you judge whether the person it represents will favour your inclinations or not.

The Ten of Hearts shows good nature and many children; it is a corrective of the bad tidings of the cards that stand next to it; and if its neighbouring cards are of good import it ascertains and confirms their value.

The Nine of Hearts promises wealth, grandeur, and high esteem; if cards that are unfavourable stand near it, you must look for disappointments; and a reverse if favourable cards follow these last at a small distance, expect to retrieve your losses, whether of peace or of goods.

The Eight of Hearts is a sign of drinking and feasting.

The Seven of Hearts shows the person to be fickle and of an unfaithful disposition, addicted to vice, incontinent, and subject to the mean art of recrimination to excuse themselves although without foundation.

The Six of Hearts shows a generous, open, and credulous disposition, easily imposed upon, and ever the dupe of flatterers, but the good-natured friend of the distressed; if this card comes before your king or queen, you will be the dupe, if after, you will have the better.

The Five of Hearts shows a wavering and unsteady disposition, never attached to one object, and free from any violent passion or attachment.

The Four of Hearts shows the person will not be married until very late in life, and that this will proceed from too great a delicacy in making a choice.

Tray of Hearts shows that your own imprudence will greatly contribute to your experiencing the ill-will of others.

The Deuce of Hearts shows that extraordinary success and good fortune will attend the person; though if unfavourable cards attend, this will be a long time delayed.

The Ace of Spades totally relates to the affairs of love, without specifying whether lawful or unlawful; it also denotes death when the card is upside down.

The King of Spades shows a man ambitious and successful at court, or with some great man who will have it in his power to advance him; but let him beware of a reverse.

The Queen of Spades shows a person that will be corrupted