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A man or woman having a mole on their wrists or hand, denotes increase of children, but affliction in old age.

A man or woman having a mole near their heart, or upon their breasts, shows them irregular, wicked, and malicious.

A mole on the belly, shows a man shall be unfortunate in marrying, and that his wife shall be addicted to gluttony and lasciviousness.

A mole on the knee, shows a person to be fortunate in marrying, and that his wife, shall be beautiful, virtuous, and very wealthy. A woman having one in the same place, shows she shall be virtuous, happy and fruitful in children.

A mole on the ancle, denotes a man to be affectionate, and act the part of a woman, like Sardanapalns at the spinning wheel; and a woman having the like, she shall effect to be lord over her husband.

A mole on the foot, shows a man prosperous in getting riches, and happy in his children. If a woman has the same, it also betokens her the same happiness.

Of the Interpretation of Dreams, as they relate to
good Fortune, &c.

TO dream you are bit by a serpent, signifies some danger will befal you by secret and subtle enemies. To dream you fly in the air, signifies a speedy journey, or some hasty news. To dream you fight and overcome, signifies you will get the better in lawsuits and other controversies. To dream a lion fawns upon you, denotes the favour of great persons. To dream of black coffins and mourners, denotes the person to be in good health. To dream yon are in a field of standing corn, betokens prosperity and joy. To dream of gathering up small pieces of money, betokens loss and disappointment; but receiving of money, profit and advantage. To dream that you