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Book of Knowledge.

A short Prognostication concerning Children Born
every Day of the Week.

A CHILD born on Sunday, shall be of a long life and shall obtain great riches.

A child born on Monday, shall be weak, of an effeminate temper, and seldom come to honour.

A child born on Tuesday, shall be given up to inordinate desire of riches, and is in danger of dying by violence.

A child born on Wednesday, shall be given up to study of learning and shall profit thereby.

A child born on Thursday, shall arrive at great honour and dignity.

A child born on Friday, shall be of a strong constitution, but very leacherous; and if a female, she is in danger of becoming a whore.

A child born on Saturday, shall be dull and heavy; and of a dogged disposition, and who seldom or never comes to good.

Of the Birth of Children, with respect to the Age of
the Moon.

TO be born upon the first day of the new moon, is very fortunate, for to such all things shall succeed well; their sleep shall be sweet, and their dreams shall be pleasant, and they shall have a long life, and increase in riches.

A child born on the second day of the moon, shall grow apace, but will be much inclined to lust, whether