Page:Book of the Dead.djvu/28

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Anubis—Then let his hoodwink be lifted, and let him behold the Council of Amenti!


Harmachis—Ani, by. your works have you become known to us, yet know this: Before you can gain membership in the Secret Council of Rameses, you have before you a perilous path, beset with strange scenes and much travail. In your journey there you will visit strange places, endure ordeals horrific and terrible, but before you are permitted to begin your journey you must submit to the Judgment of Amenti. Are you willing, and do you submit?

Candidate—I do.

Harmachis takes heart from candidate and hands it to the Council, who examine it in turn, after which it is passed behind the screen and placed in balances.

Harmachis (to candidate who had the heart)—Pay heed, then, to the questions of the great Thoth, and answer truly, gazing the while on the Great Balance, for upon your answers depends your future as an Egyptian.

Light in vault is turned on, disclosing silhouette of balances in center of screen. Heart is in one pan and feather in other. As candidate answers, balances move slowly up and down.

Thoth—Have you ever read the Book of the Dead?


Council—He has never read the Book of the Dead.

Voice—Let it be so recorded.

Gong is struck within vault and flame shoots from incense vase in center of Council.

Thoth—Have you ever visited the tomb of the lost Osiris?