Page:Book of the Dead.djvu/33

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You must begin your journey even as an infant, as represented by the Bib, with a childish trust and dependence.

Rek-Mara—But canst thou direct us in our search?

Set-Up—I can, but the last three fell into the swamps of Thebes and were devoured by the sacred crocodiles. Packert tells us only yesterday that there remained only the Oasis of Bunk to be searched—perhaps there you may find clues of value. Take him to Nit, who will direct him and see that he is prepared for his journey.


Candidates led once about room and halt before Nit; hoodwinks are raised.

Rek-Mara—O noble Nit, most puissant Gink of Gizeh, by command of Set-Up, Slinger of the Sacred Bull, I bring you the Scribe Ani, who seeks information and preparation to explore the Oasis of Bunk for the lost parts of Lydia E.—no, the great Rameses.

Nit—Does he know who I am?

Rrk-Mara—He does not. Tell him.

Nit—I am the most noble Nit, most prissant Gink of Gizeh. I designed the Pyramids, the Pylons, and the Plinths of Karnak. I damned the Nile and coursed the Desert of Darfur astride the High Cost—no, the Cost of High Living. 'Tis I who put the salt in the ocean and the humps on the earners back. In future ages I shall design the Ford and concoct Peruna. I am Chairman of the Vice Commission of Gizeh, and a hot reformer. I control the lightning and devour the night. I walloped the Lion of Numidia, and tied a can to the Horned Donkey of the Queen of Punt and kicked her in the slats—the Donkey, not the Queen. I'm the guy that put the "Ram" in