Page:Book of the Dead.djvu/41

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according to the decree of Amenti, they were slain for having set out in search with us and having failed.

As for us, I find, from questioning the inhabitants of this place, that we have arrived in the darkness of the night within the horrific Oasis of Bunk itself. I am informed that zealous Egyptians, seeking the body and vacant throne of Rameses, have discovered all the missing parts of the body except certain parts, which are said to be concealed in or near this Oasis of Bunk in a coffer or box. I am also informed that even now many Egyptians are here within this Oasis making search for the last missing parts, whose discovery will be so richly rewarded. Let us continue the search. Peradventure, we ourselves, or one of us, may be successful, and to him shall be awarded the throne of Egypt.

The underbrush and tropical vegetation hereabout greatly hinder our progress, but let us persevere and press on to success.

Under logs, obstacles, etc., through brush and branches of trees, onto bridge in West, to box at far end of bridge.

Rek-Mara—Ani, open the box carefully, but without displaying its contents, and see if it does contain the last and long-lost parts of the slain Rameses, the great Pharaoh of Egypt. (Done.) It does indeed, but in so mangled a condition that they can scarcely be recognized. Let us take them to Heru-Set, the Prophet of Thebes, for his inspection. Agreed.[1]

Candidate is caused to return through brush, etc, backwards, with the box,
  1. The contents of the box must never be removed therefrom while the Council is in session, nor shall the character of the same be generally communicated to the members. If the secrecy of the contents is maintained it will be found to add to the interest of the work.