Page:Book of the Dead.djvu/43

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set out in search of the remains, which, after long journeys and arduous labors, she discovered, piece by piece, and buried, all except the distinctive parts, which latter were found only after a most extensive search, concealed in a coffer, or box, or ark.

Egyptian, the distinctive organs of the human body were, among the ancients of all nations, taken as emblems of the fertile and of the reproductive powers and principles of Nature, which they represented by the ancient Masonic emblem of a Point Within a Circle. As with the ancients, the legend represented the Sun as slain by Winter, and the Earth denied, during the long winter months, his vitalizing powers, so essential to the harvest, so, in later times, does the Order of Rameses attempt to demonstrate and inculcate by this ancient allegory, the all-important and vital principle of GOOD FELLOWSHIP and Brotherly Love, so essential to the harvest of Charity and Good Deeds which form the bountiful harvest of the great fraternity of which we all are brethren, and we strictly charge you, that from membership in the Order of Rameses, arises the duty and obligation upon your part to spread the cement of brotherly love and esteem, and to unite and cement the brotherhood with the true principles of good fellowship.

You have been caused to travel in search of this ancient emblem of essential vitality, and, having discovered the same and thus rendered this symbolic service to the Order, the Council of Amenti have decreed that you be rewarded by being seated upon the ancient throne of the Pharaohs as Ruler of Egypt, and, for a time, entrusted with dominion over our Order, that your life and works may be a living example of our precepts.