Page:Book of the Dead.djvu/45

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ancient Egyptians represented the signature of the Goddess Hathor, the Goddess of Good, which was incomplete, however, without the figure of the Eagle on the left. These figures, as you have observed, are imposed above the figure by which the ancients represented Set, the God of Evil, thus clearly signifying the triumph of Good over Evil, which, however, we are taught, should not be put off until tomorrow, but should be done NOW, with speed and dispatch, represented by the Eagle.

But the story of the emblem is not complete, for, above all, well within the Royal Arch of Heaven, may be seen the sacred Crux Ansata — the ancient and universal emblem of Eternal Life, a glittering promise to those whose lives conform to the constructive principle taught by the fundamental hieroglyphs. The letters O and R form the initials of this Order, whose principles are taught by the emblem. The O is represented by the ancient emblem and hieroglyph of the Sun—a Point Within a Circle, so prevalent in Masonry—wherefore, it also becomes an emblem of the Good and Benevolent Principle triumphing over that of Evil. The Point Within a Circle is also a hieroglyph of Rameses—which we have emphasized by the addition of the modern letter R— who was called "Son of the Sun/' The Grand Hailing Sign of the Order and that with which you shall salute the Pharaoh on entering or departing from the Council in session, is given thus (done), being the ancient sign of salutation.

The Sign of Distress is given thus (done). It alludes to the ancient seaport of Joppa, where most of the material for the building of King Solomon's Temple, brought from Mount Lebanon