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then is a virtue much lowable[1] and of great merit before God.

To this purpose come many examples : as of Saint Peter, which renyed and forsook Jesu Christ; of Saint Paul which persecuted Holy Church; of Saint Matthew and of Zacchaeus, which were publicans; of Mary Magdalene the sinner; of the woman that was taken in adultery; of the thief that hanged on the right side of Jesu Christ; of Saint Mary Egyptian. And of many more other, which were great sinners and horrible, which alway set all their hope in God and were saved.

III. The Third Temptation that the devil maketh to them that die is by Impatience; that is against Charity. For by charity we be holden to love God above all things. Now is it thus that to them that die cometh right great sorrow and pain of heart and of body, be it that the death come naturally, or that it come by any other evil accident. For by pain and sorrow many there be that [have] been impatient and grutching, and die in such wise as they seem mad, or out of their wit, as it appeareth oft. Wherefore it is certain that such people be out of very love and charity, and that they love not God sufficiently. And therefore it is necessary to every man that will die, that in what sickness be it, short or long, that he murmur nor grutch not, but suffer it patiently. For we suffer by good right all the evils that come to us, and yet be not the passions of this world condign nor worthy to the glory to come. This is then a thing

  1. i.e. to be praised.