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nothing but dust and ashes, and a sinner right miserable; but I demand of Thee, in the virtue and in the value of Thy right holy passion, by the which Thou hast willed to redeem me which am a right miserable sinner with Thy much precious blood. Lord Jesu Christ, Son of the living God, I Thee supplicate meekly, by that bitterness of death which for me Thou sufferedst in the tree of the cross, and in especial at that hour when Thy right holy soul issued out of Thy precious holy body, that Thou have mercy on my most wretched soul at his departing.

Also, if he may, he ought to say three times the verse that followeth. Dirupisti domine vincula mea, TIBI SACRIFICABO HOSTIAM LAUDIS, ET NOMEN DOMINI INvocABo.[Ps 115:16] That is to say: Lord Thou hast broken my bonds; I shall sacrifice to Thee an host of praising, and shall call on the name of the Lord. For Saint Isidore saith that this verse is believed to be of so much virtue that if a man by very confession saith [it] in the end of his life, his sins be to him forgiven. After these things the sick man ought, if he may, much entirely, with heart and mouth, the best wise that he shall mowe, require and call unto his help the right glorious Virgin Mary, which is the very mean[1] of all sinners, and she that addresseth[2] them in their necessity; saying to her in this manner:

Queen of Heaven, Mother of mercy, and Refuge of sinners, I meekly beseech thee that

  1. mediator.
  2. redresseth