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ought to be said the orisons that follow; after that the disposition and devotion of the sick person, and the commodity[1] of the time, and if the assistants requireth. But few people or none be at this day that have the knowledge of this art.

Lord Jesu Christ, son of the fatherly charity, I beseech Thee by the Love that Thou, right much worthy, right innocent and most delicate, madest Thyself to be as man, to be wounded and die for the health of man, that Thou wilt pardon and forgive this Thy servant N. Jesus right merciful, forgive him all that by thought, by word or by deed, by affections or movings,[2] by his strength and by his wit, of body and of soul, he hath trespassed. And for remission, give to him. Lord, that right sufficient emendation by the which Thou unboundest the sins of all the world; and, for the fulfilling of all negligences, join to him that right ready and valiant conversation[3] that Thou haddest, sith and from the hour of Thy conception unto the hour of Thy death.

And moreover give to him the fruit of all the good works made and done by all the chosen saints, sith the beginning of the world unto the end. Qui viv'ts et regnas Deus per omnia secula seculorum.

In the honour of the right fervent love by

  1. convenience or supply of.
  2. either 'emotions' or 'motives.'
  3. i.e. behaviour or manner of life.