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should live. Have mercy now of me for Thy bitter passion.

Then ask him these questions following afore his death.

Be ye glad that ye shall die in Christian belief? Let him answer: Yea.

Know thee that ye hath not so well lived as ye should? Yea.

Have ye will to amend if that ye should live? Yea.

Believe ye that Jesu Christ, God Son of heaven, was born of Blessed Mary? Yea.

Believe ye also that Jesu Christ died upon the cross to buy man's soul on Good Friday? Yea.

Do ye thank God therefore? Yea.

Believe ye that ye may not be saved but by His passion and death? Yea.

As long as the soul is in your body thank God for His death, and have a sure trust by it and His passion to be saved. And counsel him to say if he may these following words of great virtue:

Put Christ's passion betwix me and mine evil works, and betwix me and His wrath. Now Lord God be merciful to me a sinner.

The praise of Our Lord Jesu Christ, and the virtue of His passion, with the sign of the holy cross, and the undefiled virginity of Blessed Mary, His Mother, and the blessing of all saints, and the protection of all holy angels, with the