Page:Bound to Succeed.djvu/204

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the resolve of my life to hunt you down. If you escape me this time, I shall find you later. You are masquerading here under false pretences. I can expose you. Should I telegraph Mr. Beach, he would at once send an officer to arrest you."

"That won't help your case any," observed the man.

"I don't care. It will prove that Dorsett had a criminal for a partner, and that will influence the court when my mother's suit comes to trial."

"Name your terms," spoke Purnell suddenly.

"Very well," said Frank gravely: "you helped rob my mother of the estate her husband left her. What you got out of it I don't know, but it seems to have made it necessary for you to continue the career of a fugitive and a fraud.

"What I got!" snapped out Purnell, springing to his feet in hot anger. "I got what everybody gets who deals with that old rascal—the bad end of the trade, drat him!"

"I'll leave you alone to your own devices," said Frank, "I'll promise to see that you get some money when my mother recovers hers, if you will write out, sign and swear to the facts of your conspiracy with Dorsett against my mother."

"All right," answered Purnell, after a moment