Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/104

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All of those employed in the shop immediately gathered around Felter and Franklin, Jackson and Nolan pressing close upon the young electrician.

Franklin saw that it was more than likely that the contest would be an unequal one, yet he did not attempt to run away. He felt that he must now show his true colors or forever after obey whenever called upon to do so.

"Stand back or take the consequences!" he cried, as calmly as he could. "I warn you that I am not to be trifled with!"

"Oh, ho!" hear him talk!" retorted Felter, mockingly, and once more he launched out at Franklin.

The second blow landed upon the young electricion's shoulder. It was not heavy, but it seemed to arouse all of the lion in his nature. He stepped back, bumping up against Bob Jackson in doing so, and the next instant Felter received such a swift and surprisingly heavy blow in the temple that he keeled over flat upon his back and all but senseless.

For the moment after Felter went down there was a dead silence in the factory yard. The unexpected had happened and no one knew what to say.

"What—what—" stammered the heavyweight, as he rolled over and essayed to rise to his feet.