Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/110

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"We ought to do something to get him bounced," returned Jackson, and Mike Nolan, who had overheard what was said, nodded approvingly.

"I would rather cripple him, the beggar!" muttered Felter. "I wonder if we can't fix it to have something fall on his foot or knock his arm out of joint, or something like that?"

But this was going to far for Jackson and Nolan. They would have liked it well enough, but did not have the courage to take the risk of such a dastardly proceeding, knowing that if discovered they could be sent to prison for the deed.

"If we get him bounced that will be enough," said Jackson. "He won't find it an easy matter to get another job in the dead of Winter."

"You're right he won't," added Nolan, "especially if he has'nt any recommendation from the firm here."

The three talked the matter over for some time, and finally decided on a plan which they concluded to carry into effect without delay.

Among his possessions Franklin had a highly prized knife, which had been given to him by his cousins on his last birthday. The handle of this affair, which possessed five blades and a file, was of pearl and contained a plate with his full name engraved upon it.

This knife the others in the shop had seen him use on a number of occasions. Once Bob Jackson had