Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/116

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"That's what we want to know. You dropped the knife in by accident, did you?"

"I didn't drop the knife in at all," returned Franklin. "The knife has been missing since yesterday afternoon."

"Ah, I see. Whom did you lend it to?"

"No one, sir."

"You are certain?"

"Positive, sir."

"When did you handle it last?"

"I used it at noon time to cut up an apple with."

"And put it in your pocket after you had finished?"

"Yes, sir, and I did not miss it until I was nearly home in the evening."

"Humph!" The superintendent mused for a moment. "Were you near this machine yesterday?"

"No," returned Franklin, hesitatingly. He was trying to think if he was mistaken.

"Tell me the truth. Bell."

"I was no nearer the machine than I am now. I had to pass the machine when carrying the motors to my bench yonder."

"This machine was not running after three o'clock yesterday," put in one of the workmen.

"The knife could have been dropped in any time after that. The mischief was done, you know, when the machine was tried this morning."