Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/119

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"I don't see where it could catch excepting between the cog-wheels and the plates, sir," returned the workman. "If it fell down there it's more than likely it couldn't be got out excepting by taking the machine apart, too."

"He couldn't put his hand between the plates and draw it out?"

"I don't think so, sir. It would be dangerous, as every one knows who has handled the machine."

"Oh, he dropped the knife in it, I am certain," put in Felter, spitefully. "It was more than likely he was too scared to get it out. He left in a big hurry."

"Felter, you are telling an untruth and you know it!" burst out Franklin. "I believe it is more than likely that you stole the knife from my pocket and dropped it in the machine yourself. You are just mean enough for such underhanded work!"

"Shut up!" roared the heavyweight, growing red in the face, for the shot was too near home to be comfortable. "Call me a thief and I'll pound the life out of you!"

"You tried it once before, but you didn't succeed," retorted Franklin.

"Come, come, this won't do!" put in the superintendent sternly. "Come to my office, Bell, and you, too, Felter and Nolan. I intend to get at the bottom of this affair if I can."