Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/15

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I. The Young Electrician 5
II. Franklin Finds Employment 13
III. Franklin Gets Into Difficulty 23
IV. Franklin Makes a Friend 30
V. Franklin Visits Edison's Works 39
VI. A Moment of Peril 47
VII. A Lively Pursuit 55
VIII. At Close Quarters 63
IX. Enemies 69
X. A Hard Place to Fill 75
XI. Franklin Shows His Grit 82
XII. A Plot Against Franklin 90
XIII. The Broken Machine 97
XIV. Harry LeClair's Statement 104
XV. A Midnight Mystery 112
XVI. Belden Brice Says Something 120
XVII. Clues and a Confession 129
XVIII. Franklin Makes a New Move 136
XIX. The Meeting in the Cottage 145
XX. Andy Gresson is Astonished 152
XXI. Franklin Bell's Mission 159