Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/150

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totally unprepared as he was. It was like a thunderclap in a clear sky. He sprang up with a cry on his lips and then as suddenly resumed his seat.

"Wha—what's that?" he stammered.

"You heard what I said. Who was it proposed the visit, Felter, Jackson, or yourself? Tell me instantly and tell me the truth."

"But, sir—I—I"

"No lies, now, Nolan, tell me the truth."

And, striding over to the Irish boy, the speculator caught him by the arm.

"Oh! Don't, please don't!" cried Mike Nolan, in wild alarm, as visions of arrest and months in jail floated across his mind. Had they been seen, or had one of his late companions confessed? How much had leaked out?

"Are you going to answer me, Nolan?"

It was like the voice of a judge sounding in his ears. He looked up and saw those sharp eyes looking at him as if to read his innermost thoughts. Then his one thought was to save himself.

"It was Jackson, sir!" he gasped out. "Oh, please don't have me arrested! It was Jackson proposed the whole thing and Felter carried it out."

"But you climbed into the window——"

"No, no; it was Felter, sir. I only came along. I didn't want to, but Felter made me, because Jackson couldn't get away from his house."