Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/178

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to see. There were a goodly number of them, and after looking them over carefully, he selected half a dozen to try.

After this he inquired his way to the nearest of the places. It was quite a walk, and when he arrived at, the house, its look from the exterior, was such that the young electrician did not care to venture inside.

The second call was not better, and by this time it was past the noon hour. Feeling hungry, Franklin resolved to get a lunch before proceeding with his search. A tidy looking restaurant was close at hand, and this he entered and took a seat at one of the numerous tables.

At a table close by, sat two young men conversing earnestly. They paid no attention to Franklin, and he could not help but hear what they had to say while he was eating.

"Yes, Jack, I am sorry to see you go back to Denver," said one of the two young men. "I thought you were going to remain in Chicago all summer. Mrs. Gould will be sorry to lose you."

"So she said."

"She has already lost two of her other boarders."

"Perhaps she will be able to get somebody in my place. She'll have to advertise."

Franklin had been an interested listener to the foregoing conversation, and now when the two young men arose he also left his chair, and tapped one of them on the shoulder.