Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/181

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At length, Franklin arrived at a large yard surrounded by a high stone wall. In the rear of the yard was a two-story factory, all of a hundred feet long. There was a constant hammering, and a dull hum from within.

"This is the place," he said to himself, as he read the big sign suspended in a semi-circle over the gateway leading into the yard. "Evidently they are busy, by the way things sound. I wonder if they would say anything if I walked into the yard, and took a look around?"

He hesitated for a moment, and then, seeing no one in sight, entered the yard and made his way slowly toward the factory.

The offices were at one end, and not wishing to call there just yet, the young electrician turned towards the opposite end. Here the shipping department was situated, and at a platform several feet high, backed by big sliding doors, two large two-horse trucks were being loaded with small boxes, which Franklin knew must each contain one of the batteries upon which Belden Brice was supposed to receive a royalty.

The men who were loading the trucks, several in number, paid no attention to Franklin, and the young electrician gradually drew nearer, to learn if possible, where the batteries were to be sent.

He knew that the boxes ought to be marked in some way, but soon learned that every one of them was free of any directions whatever.