Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/191

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"Shall I drive on alone?" asked the truckman, meekly changing the subject.

"I suppose you'll have to," responded Montague Smith, irritatedly. "There is no one else around to drive, is there?"

"Not as I know of, sir."

"That's always the way, and I wanted those batteries taken away before to-morrow morning, too."

Montague Smith had seemingly forgotten all about Franklin, but now as the young electrician touched him on the arm, he wheeled about quickly.

"Oh, I forgot to thank you for saving our horses from being abused," he said, in an off-hand way "It was very clever. How did you happen to be around?"

"I drifted into the yard to see what was going on," returned Franklin. "I have been working at the electrical trade, and am interested in manufacturing batteries."


"I thought you might have some job open for me."

"We are full—in fact, more than full, sorry to say. Trade is dull."

"I just heard you speak about a driver for that truck," Franklin went on. "I can drive quite well, sir."

"Can you? What is your name?"